Warlord TFT set 4.5 is a team comp of 7 champions: Azir, Garen, Jarvan IV, Katarina, Nidalee, Tryndamere, Vi. How to get 11 Warlord TFT ? And instructions for playing Warlord team effectively.
Warlord TFT Comps
9 Warlord + 4 Sharpshooter.

To get 11 Warlord TFT you need 7 Warlord champions and 4 Warlord Emblem.
Warlord TFT Trait
Warlords have bonus Health and Spell Power. Each victorious combat they’ve participated in increases this bonus by 10%, stacking up to 5 times.
- (3) 250 HP and 25 Spell Power
- (6) 400 HP and 40 Spell Power
- (9) 700 HP and 70 Spell Power
- (11) 888 HP and 88% Spell Power. Combat Start: The Warlord’s army joins the fight.
Strongest Warlord general: Azir.
Weakest Warlord general: Garen, Nidalee.