Adept TFT set 4.5 is a team comp of 3 champions: Irelia, Shen, Yone. How to get 4 Adept TFT ? And instructions for playing
Category: Team Comps
Find a list of all the Team Comps in TFT through the seasons.

Executioner TFT set 4.5 is a team comp of 3 champions: Kayle, Kindred, Xayah. How to get 4 Executioner TFT ? And instructions for playing

Keeper TFT set 4.5 is a team comp of 6 champions: Azir, Elise, Jarvan IV, Kennen, Rakan, Xayah. How to get 8 KeeperTFT ? And

Brawler TFT set 4.5 is a team comp of 7 champions: Chogath, Maokai, Nunu, Sett, Shyvana, Tahm Kench, Vi. How to get 8 Brawler TFT

Assassin TFT set 4.5 is a team comp of 5 champions: Akali, Diana, Katarina, Pyke, Talon. How to get 6 Assassin TFT ? And instructions

Duelist TFT set 4.5 is a team comp of 6 champions: Fiora, Jax, Kalista, Lee Sin, Tryndamere, Yasuo. How to get 8 Duelist TFT ?

Mystic TFT set 4.5 is a team comp of 5 champions: Janna, Neeko, Shen, Yuumi, Zilean. How to get 5 Mystic TFT ? And instructions

Mage TFT set 4.5 is a team comp of 6 champions: Annie, Aurelion Sol, Brand, Lulu, Twisted Fate, Veigar. How to get 9 Mage TFT

Spirit TFT set 4.5 is a team comp of 4 champions: Diana, Kindred, Teemo, Yuumi. How to get 6 Spirit TFT ? And instructions for

Ninja TFT set 4.5 is a team comp of 4 champions: Akali, Kennen, Shen, Zed. How to get 4 Ninja TFT ? And instructions for