Portal TFT set 12 is a team comp of 8 champions: Ezreal, Galio, Jayce, Kassadin, Norra & Yuumi, Ryze, Taric, Zoe. How to get 10 Portal TFT ? And instructions for playing Portal team effectively.
Portal TFT Comps
How To Get 10 Portal ?
8 Portal Champion + 2 Portal Emblem.
Recommended strongest Portal comp: 8 Portal + 3 Mage + 2 Scholar + 1 Best Friends.
Portal TFT Trait
Combat start: Portal champions Shield for 15 seconds.
Objects from other dimensions fly out of a portal every few seconds to help allies and disrupt enemies. The portal becomes 8% stronger for each Portal champion’s star level.
- (3) 200 Shield, Small portal
- (6) 400 Shield, Medium portal
- (8) 600 Shield, Large portal
- (10) 1200 Shield, GIGA portal
Strongest Portal general: Norra & Yuumi.
Weakest Portal general: Jayce.
Champions | Gold | Origin/Class |
Ezreal | 3 | Portal Blaster |
Galio | 2 | Portal Mage Vanguard |
Jayce | 1 | Portal Shapeshifter |
Kassadin | 2 | Portal Multistriker |
Norra & Yuumi | 5 | Portal Best Friends Mage |
Ryze | 4 | Portal Scholar |
Taric | 4 | Portal Bastion |
Zoe | 1 | Portal Witchcraft Scholar |