Dragonsoul TFT set 4.5 is a team comp of 7 champions: Aurelion Sol, Brand, Braum, Olaf, Shyvana, Swain, Tristana. How to get 9 Dragonsoul TFT ? And instructions for playing Dragonsoul team effectively.
Dragonsoul TFT Comps
9 Dragonsoul + 3 Mage + 2 Sharpshooter.

To get 9 Dragonsoul TFT you need 7 Dragonsoul champions and 2 Dragonsoul Emblem.
Dragonsoul TFT Trait
The first Dragonsoul to take damage in combat recieves the Dragon’s Blessing. While blessed, the unit gains bonus stats, and every 5th attack fires a Dragonsoul blast, dealing 40% of the target’s maximum Health in magic damage. On death, this blessing passes to the closest Dragonsoul ally without a blessing.
- (3) 1 Blessing, 40% Attack Speed and Spell Power
- (6) 3 Blessings, 70% Attack Speed and Spell Power
- (9) 6 Blessings, 140% Attack Speed and Spell Power
Strongest Dragonsoul general: Swain.
Weakest Dragonsoul general: Brand, Tristana.