Divine TFT set 4.5 is a team comp of 6 champions: Irelia, Jax, Kayle, Lee Sin, Nasus, Wukong. How to get 8 Divine TFT ? And instructions for playing Divine team effectively.
Divine TFT Comps
4 Divine + 4 Executioner + 3 Adept.

To get 8 Divine TFT you need 6 Divine champions and 2 Divine Emblem.
Divine TFT Trait
Upon attacking 6 times or dropping below 50% health, Divine champions remove all crowd control and ascend, taking reduced damage and dealing bonus true damage for 6 seconds.
- (2) 25% Damage Reduction and Bonus True Damage.
- (4) 40% Damage Reduction and Bonus True Damage.
- (6) 55% Damage Reduction and Bonus True Damage.
- (8) 70% Damage Reduction and Bonus True Damage.
Strongest Divine general: Lee Sin.
Weakest Divine general: Nasus, Wukong.