Automata TFT set 13 is a team comp of 5 champions: Amumu, Blitzcrank, Kogmaw, Malzahar, Nocturne. How to get 6 Automata TFT ? And instructions for playing Automata team effectively.
Automata TFT Comps
6 Automata + 3 Firelight + 2 Sniper.
To get 6 Automata TFT you need 5 Automata champions and 1 Automata Emblem.
Automata TFT Trait
Automata gain a crystal when they deal damage. At 20 crystals, they blast their current target, dealing magic damage + 20% of damage dealt since the previous blast and reset. They also gain Armor and Magic Resist.
- (2) 125 damage, 20 Armor & MR
- (4) 300 damage, 40 Armor & MR
- (6) 625 damage, 70 Armor & MR
Strongest Automata general: Malzahar.
Weakest Automata general: Amumu.