Udyr TFT

Udyr TFT Items set 12 – Tier List & BiS Build

Udyr will charge at enemies and knock them up. Then grab them and smash them on the ground. He has increased attack speed and deals more magic damage.

Udyr is a new champion in TFT set 12. Udyr costs 5 (gold), belongs to Origin (Inkshadow) and Class (Behemoth, Spirit Walker). In this sharing article we will help you build the strongest items for Udyr.

Udyr TFT Items Build Set 12

Udyr TFT Items Tier List

S BloodthirsterHand of JusticeTitan's ResolveGiant Slayer
Bloodthirster, Hand of Justice, Titan’s Resolve, Giant Slayer
ASteadfast HammerCrownguardEdge of NightLast WhisperDeathblade
Steadfast Hammer, Crownguard, Edge of Night, Last Whisper, Deathblade
BWarmog's ArmorDragon's ClawGuinsoo's RagebladeRed BuffInfinity Edge
Warmog’s Armor, Dragon’s Claw, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Red BuffInfinity Edge
CBramble VestGargoyle StoneplateRapid FirecannonSunfire CapeEvenshroud
Bramble Vest, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Rapid Firecannon, Sunfire Cape, Evenshroud

Udyr TFT Items BiS Build

This is the items set for Udyr TFT to help you reach top 2 -> 5: Bloodthirster, Hand of Justice, Titan’s Resolve.

This is the items set for Udyr TFT to help you reach top 2 -> 4: Sterak’s Gage, Bloodthirster, Crownguard.

This is the items set for Udyr TFT to help you reach top 2 -> 3: Bloodthirster, Titan’s Resolve, Edge of Night.

This is the items set for Udyr TFT to help you reach top 1 -> 3: Sterak’s Gage, Titan’s Resolve, Hand of Justice.

This is the items set for Udyr TFT to help you reach top 1 -> 2: Giant Slayer, Titan’s Resolve, Hand of Justice.

This is the items set for Udyr TFT to help you reach top 1: Bloodthirster, Titan’s Resolve, Ionic Spark.
