Trickshot TFT set 11 is a team comp of 5 champions: Sivir, Teemo, Bard, Kaisa, Xayah. Trickshot deals explosive damage and spreads to multiple targets.
Trickshot TFT Comps
Recommended strongest Trickshot comp: 2 Trickshot + 3 Ghostly + 3 Inkshadow.
Champions list: Yorick, Aatrox, Riven, Shen, Teemo, Kai’Sa, Caitlyn, Senna.
Use Teemo, Kai’Sa, Caitlyn, Senna at the back of the team to poke and deal main damage in the team.
Use Yorick, Aatrox, Riven, Shen in front to shield and protect teammates in the back.
Prioritize equipment for Yorick, Senna.
Trickshot TFT Trait
Strength combination: (2), (4). Ricochet and previous damage %.
Strongest Trickshot general: Xayah.
Weakest Trickshot general: Sivir.
Champions | Gold | Origin/Class |
Bard | 3 | Mythic Trickshot |
Kaisa | 4 | Inkshadow Trickshot |
Sivir | 1 | Storyweaver Trickshot |
Teemo | 2 | Fortune Trickshot |
Xayah | 5 | Dragonlord Lovers Trickshot |