Fortune TFT set 11 is a team comp of 5 champions: Teemo, Tristana, Zoe, Annie, Kobuko. Fortune will receive luck when losing a match and convert that luck into rewards in the dice roll.
Fortune TFT Comps
Recommended strongest Fortune comp: 5 Fortune + 3 Storyweaver.
Champions list: Annie, Galio, Kobuko, Volibear, Teemo, Sivir, Tristana, Kayle, Zoe.
Use Teemo, Sivir, Tristana, Kayle, Zoe at the back of the team to poke and deal main damage in the team.
Use Annie, Galio, Kobuko, Volibear in front to shield and protect teammates in the back.
Prioritize equipment for Tristana, Volibear.
Fortune TFT Trait
Strength combination: (3), (5), (7). The more you lose, the luckier you get, restore HP to teammates, and roll new dice.
Strongest Fortune general: Kobuko.
Weakest Fortune general: Annie.
Champions | Gold | Origin/Class |
Annie | 4 | Fortune Invoker |
Kobuko | 1 | Fortune Bruiser |
Teemo | 2 | Fortune Trickshot |
Tristana | 3 | Fortune Duelist |
Zoe | 3 | Fortune Storyweaver Arcanist |