Chalice of Power is an item in TFT (Teamfight Tactics). Chalice of Power can be equipped to champions to increase their stats and grant additional effects.
Chalice of Power TFT
Combines info
Combat start: Grant 30 Ability Power to the holder and allies within 1 hex in the same row.
- Magic resist: +20
- Starting mana: +15
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About item in TFT
1 – Each Champions can only hold a maximum of 3 items.
2 – Basic items will automatically combine to form Advanced items (Combined Items).
3 – Requiring players to plan the order that they equip items to prevent unwanted combinations.
4 – Champions obtained from the carousel will start with an item, and additional items can be obtained as drops from PvE rounds.
5 – Items are stored on the bench until equipped to a champion, and selling a champion will move all items they’re holding to the bench.
6 – If you sell a champion, items equipped on that champion will be dropped. If you combine champions with a total of more than 3 items, the extra items will be dropped.
7 – If you build a trait item on a champion with the same trait, for example: building a Youmuu’s Ghostblade Youmuu’s Ghostblade on a Zed Zed, the item will be dropped from the champion.
8 – Most items can stack additively with themselves.
9 – The following items’ effects cannot stack with themselves, and a champion can only equip one of the same at a time.
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