Hacker is an Class in TFT (Teamfight Tactics) set 8. This is Hacker comp for TFT are based on statistical analysis of the latest match data to help you find best comps for Hacker set 8.
TFT Hacker comp list
With Hacker you should build comp: 3 Super + 4 Duelist + 2 Hacker.
Using 2 Hacker champion are: Zoe, Zed.
Early game you can using comp: Lee Sin, Malphite, Alistar, Gangplank, Fiora.
Mid-Late game you can build as follows:

Items for
TFT Hacker Synergies
Hackers gain omnivamp. Hackers summon a H4ckerr!m that takes the unit in the Rider Hex into the enemy backline. The Rider is untargetable for the first X seconds of combat.
- 2- 20% Omnivamp
- 3- 20% Omnivamp
- 4- 20% Omnivamp

Leblanc fires sigils at her target each dealing magic damage. If the target dies, she continues casting at the nearest target and casts 1 more sigil.

Zed teleports behind his target and marks them for death, shredding armor for 6 seconds. He then enters an Empowered Kill Mode. While active, Zed’s attacks deal an additional bonus physical damage and every third attack damages all adjacent enemies, dealing 100% of his Attack Damage plus physical damage to adjacent enemies.

Zoe launches a bubble at the nearest non-infected enemy’s location, infecting all enemies hit with a virus that deals magic damage over 10 seconds. Infected enemies take more damage.
TFT Hacker Items
Best items for all champions:
How to win in TFT ?
Know where to find the stats for champions and their synergies.
Adapt your strategy to suit your current situation.
Before every draft stage, try to memorise what the champions you have on your team look like.
Speaking of other TFT comps, high-level players buy and sell units they may not want.
Make sure you use the mini-map so that you get a look at enemy team compositions.
During the late game, change your position.
Learn some recipes off by heart ahead of time, or write them down.
Several things affect which champions are available from the shop.
Don’t be afraid to sell upgraded units.
Don’t be afraid to stack items onto other champions.
Make sure you keep up to date with how good champions are.
If you’re wondering why you’re losing late-game, think why that might be and adapt.
Learn what some of the best comps are for the various galaxies ahead of time.
Above all else, don’t rest on your laurels in the mid-game.
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