
TFT Zed Items set 12 – Tier List & BiS Build

Zed is a new champion in TFT set 12. Zed costs 4 (gold), belongs to Origin (EDM) and Class (Crowd Diver). In this sharing article we will help you build the strongest items for Zed.

Zed TFT Items Tier List

S Hand of JusticeEdge of NightSterak’s GageGiant SlayerQuicksilver
Hand Of Justice, Edge of Night, Sterak’s Gage, Giant Slayer, Quicksilver.
ABloodthirsterThief's GlovesLast WhisperInfinity EdgeDeathblade
Bloodthirster, Thief’s Gloves, Last Whisper, Infinity Edge, Deathblade.
BTitan's ResolveHextech GunbladeRed BuffGuardbreakerRunaan's Hurricane
Titan’s Resolve, Hextech Gunblade, Red Buff, Guardbreaker, Runaan’s Hurricane.
CWarmog's ArmorSunfire CapeAdaptive HelmGuinsoo's RagebladeDragon's Claw
Warmog’s Armor, Sunfire Cape, Adaptive Helm, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Dragon’s Claw.

Zed TFT Items BiS Build

This is the items set for Zed TFT to help you reach top 2 -> 5: Bloodthirster, Last Whisper, Titan’s Resolve.

This is the items set for Zed TFT to help you reach top 2 -> 4: Bloodthirster, Edge of Night, Giant Slayer.

This is the items set for Zed TFT to help you reach top 2 -> 3: Bloodthirster, Last Whisper, Hand Of Justice.

This is the items set for Zed TFT to help you reach top 1 -> 3: Bloodthirster, Titan’s Resolve, Hand Of Justice.

This is the items set for Zed TFT to help you reach top 1 -> 2: Bloodthirster, Edge of Night, Titan’s Resolve.

This is the items set for Zed TFT to help you reach top 1: Bloodthirster, Edge of Night, Hand Of Justice.
