
TFT Vi Items set 13 – Tier List & BiS Build

Vi is a new champion in TFT set 13. Vi costs 4 (gold), belongs to Origin (Enforcer) and Class (Pit Fighter). In this sharing article we will help you build the strongest items for Vi.

Vi TFT Items Build Set 13

Vi TFT Items Tier List

S Thief's GlovesRedemptionAdaptive HelmSteadfast HammerBramble Vest
Thief’s Gloves, Redemption, Adaptive Helm, Steadfast Hammer, Bramble Vest.
AEvenshroudSterak’s GageSunfire CapeWarmog's ArmorProtector's Vow
Evenshroud, Sterak’s Gage, Sunfire Cape, Warmog’s Armor, Protector’s Vow.
BDragon's ClawIonic SparkGargoyle StoneplateTitan's ResolveCrownguard
Dragon’s Claw, Ionic Spark, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Titan’s Resolve, Crownguard.
CHextech GunbladeBloodthirsterRunaan's HurricaneQuicksilverEdge of Night
Hextech Gunblade, Bloodthirster, Runaan’s Hurricane, Quicksilver, Edge of Night.

Vi TFT Items BiS Build

This is the items set for Vi TFT to help you reach top 2 -> 5: Sunfire Cape, Sterak’s Gage, Redemption.

This is the items set for Vi TFT to help you reach top 2 -> 4: Redemption, Steadfast Hammer, Bramble Vest.

This is the items set for Vi TFT to help you reach top 2 -> 3: Redemption, Steadfast Hammer, Bramble Vest.

This is the items set for Vi TFT to help you reach top 1 -> 3: Redemption, Evenshroud, Crownguard.

This is the items set for Vi TFT to help you reach top 1 -> 2: Ionic Spark, Evenshroud, Sunfire Cape.

This is the items set for Vi TFT to help you reach top 1: Bloodthirster, Titan’s Resolve, Sterak’s Gage.
