Taric tft

Taric TFT Items set 12 – Tier List & BiS Build

Taric is a new champion in TFT set 12. Taric costs 4 (gold), belongs to Origin (Portal) and Class (Bastion). In this sharing article we will help you build the strongest items for Taric.

Taric TFT Items Build Set 12

Taric TFT Items Tier List

S Protector's VowTactician's CrownNashor’s ToothGargoyle StoneplateWarmog's Armor
Protector’s Vow, Tactician’s Crown, Nashor’s Tooth, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Warmog’s Armor.
AThief's GlovesBramble VestCrownguardRedemptionSterak’s Gage
Thief’s Gloves, Bramble Vest, Crownguard, Redemption, Sterak’s Gage.
BBloodthirsterArchangel's StaffHand of JusticeEvenshroudGuinsoo's Rageblade
Bloodthirster, Archangel’s Staff, Hand Of Justice, Evenshroud, Guinsoo’s Rageblade.
CDragon's ClawSteadfast HammerInfinity EdgeLast WhisperStatikk Shiv
Dragon’s Claw, Steadfast Hammer, Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, Statikk Shiv.

Taric TFT Items BiS Build

This is the items set for Taric TFT to help you reach top 2 -> 5: Crownguard, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Warmog’s Armor.

This is the items set for Taric TFT to help you reach top 2 -> 4: Bramble Vest, Warmog’s Armor, Evenshroud.

This is the items set for Taric TFT to help you reach top 2 -> 3: Redemption, Protector’s Vow, Warmog’s Armor.

This is the items set for Taric TFT to help you reach top 1 -> 3: Gargoyle Stoneplate, Redemption, Warmog’s Armor.

This is the items set for Taric TFT to help you reach top 1 -> 2: Sunfire Cape, Steadfast Hammer, Warmog’s Armor.

This is the items set for Taric TFT to help you reach top 1: Sunfire Cape, Redemption, Warmog’s Armor.
